
Course Description

Number of Credits: 1

This course includes four modules that:

  1. Review why the early childhood outcomes were developed and how they are collected and reported to demonstrate our early childhood special education programs effectiveness;
  2. Review effective practices that support reliable early childhood ratings;
  3. Review data use to demonstrate results of providing special education services to young children with disabilities;
  4. Address challenges faced by educators when implementing the Child Outcome Summary Process; and
  5. Provide some strategies for collecting data across settings. 

Instructor Information

Cari Murphy

Phone - (208)-885-6000
Email carilee@uidaho.edu

Shannon Dunstan

Phone - (208)-332-6908
Email sdunstan@sde.idaho.gov  

Course Objectives:

  1. In module 1, participants will learn why the early childhood outcomes were developed, how the early childhood outcomes collected and how outcomes are reported to demonstrate our early childhood special education programs effectiveness.
  2. In module 2, participants will gain the essential knowledge IEP teams need to have for completing high quality Child Outcome Summary Ratings, explore different types of documentation that may be used in this process and learn how to age-anchor collected data to reliably complete the seven-point rating for each outcome.
  3. In module 3, participants will learn about the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) progress categories, how changes between entry and exit Child Outcomes Systems (COS) ratings correspond to the progress categories, how to convert COS entry and exit data into the progress categories and how to track an individual child’s development trajectory progress over time.
  4. In module 4, participants will explore the challenges and opportunities of collecting data across settings given varied service delivery models, learn how to collect data using a routines-based interview process, how to organize observation and interview data to conduct the COS process and explore the application of data from multiple sources across settings through a case study. 

University of Idaho Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn and integrate: Through independent learning and collaborative study, attain, use and develop knowledge in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences, with disciplinary specialization and the ability to integrate information across disciplines.
  2. Think and create: Use multiple thinking strategies to examine real-world issues, explore creative avenues of expression, solve problems and make consequential decisions.
  3. Communicate: Acquire, articulate, create and convey intended meaning using verbal and nonverbal methods of communication that demonstrate respect and understanding in a complex society.

Required Materials

There are no outside readings or materials required for this course. Handouts for each session are located within the learning modules. 

Course Requirements

  1. Participation: Participants are required to log into the course and proceed stepwise through the material to complete all four modules.
  2. Quizzes (20 points/quiz): Participants are required to successfully complete a quiz for each module.
  3. Survey: Participants are required to complete a satisfaction survey at the end of the course.
  4. Final assignment (100 points): At the beginning of module 1, participants will download a workbook which includes end of module activities for all modules 1-4. Participants should familiarize themselves with the workbook prior to starting the modules and will then be prompted to complete activities at the end of each module quiz. After the fourth and final module, participants will submit their final workbook as the final assignment. 


This is a Pass/Fail course. Participants must earn an 80% score on all quizzes to pass the course. Quizzes can be retaken until passed.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Early Childhood Outcomes
Online, fixed date
Sep 01, 2024 to Dec 01, 2024
Course Fee(s)
Educator PD credit (1 units) $60.00
Free - Audit non-credit $0.00
Available for Credit
1 units
Drop Request Deadline
14 days after enrollment
  • Shannon Dunstan
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