
Course Description

Please Note: It can take up to 6 hours for the registration to finalize. You will receive an email with a link to log in once system registration is complete.

This course listing is for the online course of study portion of the IDAH2O Master Water Steward workshop. This course is the first step to becoming a certified IDAH2O Master Water Steward. Anyone may take this course for informational purposes. To be fully certified, you will also need to complete the hands-on, in-person practicum XWTR 501.MWS.P.

What IDAH2O Master Water Stewards Do

Participants attend a two-part workshop that combines about three hours of online instruction with about three hours of hands-on fieldwork. Once a volunteer becomes a certified IDAH2O Master Water Steward, they can adopt a stream location to monitor regularly. Monitoring includes habitat, biological, and chemical/physical assessments.

Benefits of IDAH2O Master Water Steward Certification

As an IDAH2O Master Water Steward, you:

  • Improve your understanding of watershed ecosystems, health and function
  • Increase your skill in water quality monitoring
  • Become part of an established monitoring effort
  • Gain water monitoring tools and resources
  • Improve your understanding of local water quality concerns
  • Make local water data available
  • Guide UI Extension water quality programs, publications and the IDAH2O Master Water Steward program direction


Course Outline

Module 1: IDAH2O Basics, History, Etc.

Module 2: Key Water Quality Concepts

Module 3: Getting Started

Module 4: Stream Habitat Assessment

Module 5: Physical and Chemical Stream Assessment

Module 6: Stream Biology

Module 7: Standing Water Assessment, Aquatic Invasive Species, and Closing Thoughts

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
IDAH20 Master Water Steward Online Course
Start Now, you have 90 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration non-credit $0.00
Drop Request Deadline
7 days after enrollment
  • Jim Ekins
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