
Course Description

Session I: Foundations, Facts, and Fun

This first session will provide foundational information on attention including facts about the attention system of the brain and discuss how those facts apply to children with more significant disabilities. Participants will learn about different kinds of attention and have an opportunity to look at their own attention.

Session II: “How Do You Know I am Paying Attention?”

This session will provide information on the kinds of things that influence attention. Participants will see a variety of videos that demonstrate children with significant disabilities in instructional settings and discuss the strategies they can use to understand how, when, and why a child is paying attention.

Session III: Distractions, Interruptions, and the Myth of Multi-tasking

The final session will demonstrate additional factors that influence attention including distractions, interruptions, and multi-tasking. Participants will learn how and why distractions and interruptions can impact learning for children with significant disabilities and discuss how changes in a classroom or other environments can make a difference in a child’s attention and learning.

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