EDCIX505.INSTRFRAME - CDA SD Instructional Framework Course
Course Description
The Coeur d'Alene School District Instructional Framework course will take participants through all Six Staples of our District Adopted Instructional Framework (from the book Phenomenal Teaching by Wendy Ward Hoffer.) The 6 Workshops will allow teachers to consider ways in which they might enhance their own practices and grow at a deeper level in their understanding of our District Instructional Practices. Teachers will also be afforded opportunities for work time within Professional Learning Teams, so that the Instructional Framework might be authentically embedded within any content area.
Learner Outcomes
Students will...
- Read Phenomenal Teaching by Wendy Ward Hoffer.
- Plan and Implement a Workshop Style Lesson with your class, PLT or staff.
- Submit a Workshop Lesson.
- Participate in a Tuning Protocol for Self & Others.
- Generate Grading Rubric and Assessment for a Lesson with a Proficiency Scale.
- Submit 3 Written Session Reflections, including the Language of the IF (1 Reflection must include a reflection from your PLC/PLT participation).
- Provide a Self-Assessment Demonstration of Learning/Understanding of Instructional Framework--Choose a Staple to Self-Assess.
- Set a Question of Inquiry for the next year (IPLP Goal).
- Attend and Participate in all PD days, as well as in self-guided and PLT work time.
- Complete one assignment that is put into practice within the classroom or school. (Session One covers Two Collaboration Sessions, but only one assignment and reflection will be collected.) The assignment will be used as a reflective tool for both discussion in class and then collected as a written assignment to be turned in by an assigned date. It will contain both the reflection and a description of the Grade the Teacher/Staff member assigns themselves, with a rationale for the grade.
Coeur d’Alene School District employees only.