
Course Description

This professional development course is designed for educators in the Coeur d'Alene School District who wish to deepen their understanding of curriculum, assessment, and instruction in Secondary science. Through collaborative discussions and data analysis, educators will learn how to leverage assessment data from ISATs, ISAT interims, and classroom assessments to make informed decisions regarding curriculum and instruction.

Throughout the course, participants will develop a minimum of two proficiency scales for each grade level. This course emphasizes collaboration and communication with fellow educators, fostering a shared understanding and agreement on curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Learner Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Continue District alignment work with standards, assessments and resources.
  • Analyze district assessment data from ISATs, interim assessments, Benchmark and classroom assessments to inform decisions about district curriculum and instruction.
  • Develop a minimum of two proficiency scales per grade level for secondary science.
  • Collaborate and communicate with educators across the district to hear multiple perspectives and develop agreement and understanding of the work.


Must be a CDA School District Employee.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Spring 2025 CDA SD Secondary Science Design Team
Jan 31, 2025 to Apr 25, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Educator PD credit (1 units) $60.00
Available for Credit
1 units
Drop Request Deadline
14 days after enrollment
  • Katie Graupman
Section Notes

Participants are expected to attend and engage in all meetings and collaborative activities. A passing grade will be earned by developing proficiency scales and collaborating, creating, and communicating out curriculum documents to PLTs (Professional Learning Teams).


  • January 31, 2025: Continue building proficiency scales, plan cross-district collaboration.

    February 14, 2025: Present and share two proficiency scales and get feedback.

    March 14, 2025: Review feedback from cross-district collaboration. Tune and continue building proficiency scales.

    April 25, 2025: Continue building proficiency scales; plan for cross-district collaboration on May 16.

    A minimum of an additional 5 hours must be spent collaborating with building grade-level partners or teams (PLTs) on Friday afternoons) to share thinking from the course and solicit feedback.

Contact: Katie Graupman, kgraupman@cdaschools.org

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