
Course Description

Number of Credits:1

The goal of this course is to expand the infrastructure to lead and support Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) implementation across Idaho while increasing awareness of PBIS as an effective, evidence-based strategy to positively impact student outcomes. Within this cohort model course, Idaho SESTA will provide professional development by supporting district and school-level planning, school team training, technical assistance, and ongoing coaching specific to Tier. Within this course, school teams will walk away with an understanding of how the implementation of Tier 2 systems, practices, and data can positively impact students that need additional support.  School teams will demonstrate their understanding of Tier 2 through the development of proactive systems and interventions.

Instructor Information

Diana Morgan, Primary Instructor

Phone - (208)-885-1523
Email  - dmorgan@uidaho.edu

Barbara Broyles, Instructor Assistant

Phone - (208)-885-6143
Email  - bbroyles@uidaho.edu

Course Location/Format

This is a hybrid (part face-to-face, part online) course using the Idaho Training Clearinghouse Learning Management System (LMS) at the Center on Disabilities and Human Development at the University of Idaho. The web link for the LMS is: https://idahotc.com/lms

Credit requires:

  • Attending one of the following face-to-face statewide training locations (by invitation only):
    • Twin Falls – July 22-23, 2024
    • Nampa – July 25-26, 2024
    • Preston – July 29-30, 2024
    • Kellogg – August 20-21, 2024
  • Completion of the Course Requirements as listed below.

Course Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Understand the foundational elements to implement PBIS in the classroom and learn evidence-based practices for classroom management and effective instruction.
  2. Gain knowledge regarding the Tier 2 team, systems, practices, and readiness.
  3. Identify the 5-step framework for Tier 2 identification and intervention, and gain knowledge of Tier 2 interventions.

Required Materials

Provided at face-to-face training.

Course Requirements

  1. Participation: Participants are required to attend a 2-day face-to-face Tier 2 training in their designated location.
  2. Quizzes (20 points/quiz): Participants are required to successfully complete the quiz in this module following the face-to-face training.
  3. Survey: Participants are required to complete a satisfaction survey at the end of the course.
  4. Final assignment (100 points): Write a 1-2 page response summarizing your team’s action plan for the year based on the results and discussions specific to the Benchmarks of Quality sort and the Tier 2 Action Planning Tool completed during the training.


This is a Pass/Fail course. No incompletes will be given. Late work will not be accepted.

  1. Participants must earn an 80% (16/20) on the quiz to pass the course. The quiz can be retaken until passed.
  2. Participants must earn an 80% (80/100) on the final assignment to pass the course.
  3. Participants must complete the online course satisfaction survey to pass the course.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Idaho Tiered Behavior Supports Tier 3
Online, fixed date
Sep 01, 2024 to Dec 01, 2024
Course Fee(s)
Educator PD credit (1 units) $60.00
Available for Credit
1 units
Drop Request Deadline
14 days after enrollment
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