
Course Description

Number of Credits: 1

The content of the course is foundational and is divided into seven webinars. These include:

  • Webinar I – Introduction to Explicit Instruction (EI)
    This session will provide a background on the components of Explicit Instruction and the research base behind its success.
  • Webinar II – Designing Lessons: Skills & Strategies
    This session will discuss the relevance of designing lessons with specific skills and strategies in mind to create the results necessary for student success in the EI model.
  • Webinar III – Designing Lessons: Vocabulary & Concepts
    This session will discuss the relevance of designing lessons with specific skills and strategies in mind to create the results necessary for student success in the EI model.
  • Webinar IV – Designing Lessons: Rules for Content
    Webinar four focuses on applying specific rules necessary within the content areas. For example, using the EI model to explicitly teach spelling rules to students.
  • Webinar V – Organizing Structure for Instruction
    This webinar reviews what research demonstrates as being effective structures for classrooms to increase instructional opportunities in the classroom.
  • Webinar VI – Delivering Instruction: Eliciting Responses
    This webinar stresses the importance of planning for eliciting response to engage students in their learning. The EI model is used to plan for using specific strategies to elicit responses.
  • Webinar VII – Delivering Instruction: Other Critical Skills
    The final webinar covers a variety of critical skills necessary for teachers to understand as it relates to implementing the components of EI.

Instructor Information

Cari Murphy, Ph.D.

Phone - (208)-885-6000
Email carilee@uidaho.edu

Course Objectives:

  1. Participants will have a greater understanding of the components of Explicit Instruction
  2. Participants will have a greater understanding of how to design lessons using EI framework
  3. Participants will have a greater understanding of how to design explicit vocabulary and concept lessons
  4. Participants will have a greater understanding of how to organize the classroom structure to increase instruction
  5. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the purpose of specific rules for content
  6. Participants will have a greater understanding of how to elicit responses from student developing child in a multitasking context based on the knowledge of development of posture and executive attention
  7. Participants will gain additional critical skills to support explicit instruction in your classroom

University of Idaho Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn and integrate: Through independent learning and collaborative study, attain, use and develop knowledge in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences, with disciplinary specialization and the ability to integrate information across disciplines.
  2. Think and create: Use multiple thinking strategies to examine real-world issues, explore creative avenues of expression, solve problems and make consequential decisions.
  3. Communicate: Acquire, articulate, create and convey intended meaning using verbal and nonverbal methods of communication that demonstrate respect and understanding in a complex society.

Required Materials

There are no outside readings or materials required for this course. Handouts for each session are located within the learning modules. 

Course Requirements

  1. Participation: Participants are required to log into the course and proceed stepwise through the
    material to complete all four modules.
  2. Quizzes (20 points/quiz): Participants are required to successfully complete a quiz for each module.
  3. Survey: Participants are required to complete a satisfaction survey at the end of the course.
  4. Final assignment (100 points - Include name and title of the course on page 1): After viewing the 7-part webinar series, students will write and submit a reflective paper answering the following questions:
    1. What are your three big/main ideas learned from the series?
    2. What are two immediate actions you plan to take as a result of what you have learned or discovered?
    3. What is one major insight that resulted from this learning experience?


This is a Pass/Fail course No incompletes will be given Late work will not be accepted.

  • Participants must earn an 80% or better on all quizzes to pass the course. Quizzes can be retaken until passed.
  • Credit participants must earn an 80% or better on the final written assignment to pass the course.
  • Participants must complete the course satisfaction survey
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Explicit Instruction
Online, fixed date
Sep 01, 2024 to Dec 01, 2024
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Educator PD credit (1 units) $60.00
Available for Credit
1 units
Drop Request Deadline
14 days after enrollment
  • Cari Murphy
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