
Course Description

Number of Credits: 1

This course consists of 10 modules. The modules are self paced and each include quizzes to check for understanding.

Module 11: Semantic Mapping

The content in this Module has been developed to be aligned with research and incorporates opportunities to engage in the theory and practice of this strategy of graphically representing concepts. Research has long supported that having a substantial vocabulary is clearly important to students’ success in school and their continued success in the world beyond school. 

Module 12: Academic Language Part 1

This Module IS focused on teaching students academic language skills, including the use of inferential and narrative language, and vocabulary knowledge. Academic language is critical as it relates to the Idaho Content Standards English Language Arts/Literacy because students need an academic lexicon that allows them the opportunity to access content, meaningfully engage with content and achieve content.

Module 13: Academic Language Part 2

This Module will focus on taking a closer look at Recommendation 1 from the Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) Practice Guide. The first recommendation  from this practice guide is to teach students academic language skills, including the use of inferential and narrative language, and vocabulary knowledge.

Module 14: Close Reading

Through the steps in this Module, you will increase your knowledge and add to your repertoire to support Idaho students. A significant body of research links the close reading of complex text – whether the student is a struggling reader or advanced – to significant gains in reading proficiency and finds Close Reading to be a key component of college and career readiness.

Module 15: Identifying and Analyzing Theme

Through each step in this Module, we will take a closer look at the specific grade level expectations in grades K-5 that will help prepare students to meet the overall college and career ready expectation of Anchor Standard 2. We will dig deeper into the topic of teaching theme in the classroom.

Module 16: Intro to Informational Text

Through the steps in this Module you will increase your knowledge and add to your repertoire to support students. Idaho students should be immersed in information about the world around them if they are to develop the strong general knowledge and vocabulary they need to become successful readers and be prepared for college, career, and life.

Module 17: Text Dependent Questions

Through the steps in this Module, you will increase your understanding of how you can design instructional opportunities that allow for students to respond to questions that are text-dependent. This Module is designed with the elementary educator in mind!

Module 18: Teaching Students to Use Evidence

Through the steps in this Module, you will increase your understanding of how you can design instructional opportunities that allow for students to experience literary and informational text.

Module 19: Importance of Text Structures

Through the steps in this Module you will increase your knowledge and add to your repertoire to support students with informational text. Text structures are the organizational structures used within paragraphs and longer texts, appropriate to genre and purpose.

Module 20: Importance of Text Features

Through the steps of this Module, you will further your knowledge on the topic of the importance of the use of informational text to teach text features. Text features are the physical features of the text that highlight the important content.

Instructor Information

Cari Murphy, Ph.D., UI Center on Disabilities and Human Development

Phone - (208)-885-6000
Email carilee@uidaho.edu

Shannon Dunstan, co-instructor, Idaho State Department of Education

Phone - (208)-332-6908
Email sdunstan@sde.idaho.gov  

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, participants will understand instructional implications of how to implement:

  1. Semantic Mapping into their classroom teaching
  2. Academic Language into their classroom teaching
  3. Close Reading into their classroom teaching
  4. Identifying and Analyzing Theme into their classroom teaching
  5. Informational Text into their classroom teaching
  6. Text Dependent Questions into their classroom teaching
  7. Use of Evidence into their classroom teaching
  8. Text Structures into their classroom teaching
  9. Text Features into their classroom teaching

Required Materials

There are no outside readings or materials required for this course. Handouts for each session are located within the learning modules. 

Course Requirements

  1. Participation: Participants are required to log into the course and proceed stepwise through the material to complete all four modules.
  2. Quizzes : Participants are required to successfully complete a quiz for each module.
  3. Surveys: Participants are required to complete a satisfaction survey at the end of the course and after each module.
  4. Final assignment (100 points): This course requires that you submit a culminating final assignment from your work in each module. In step 4 of each module you will create 3 presentation slides (e.g. Powerpoint) to summarize the content presented. 
    • 3 slides will be added for each module completed for a total of 30 slides.
    • The information on each slide should summarize learning from the module.
    • The final slide deck should include text and graphics.
    • Information presented on the slides should have proper citation.
    • No more than 10% of the slides may have direct quotes from the module content.


This is a Pass/Fail course. No Incompletes will be given. Late work will not be accepted.

  1. Participants must earn an 80% or better on all quizzes to pass the course. Quizzes can be retaken until passed.
  2. Participants must earn an 80% or better on the final assignment to pass the course.
  3. Participants must complete all satisfaction surveys to pass the course. 
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