
Course Description

Number of Credits: 1

This course consists of 10 modules. The modules are self paced and each include quizzes to check for understanding.

Module 1: Phonological Awareness

In this Module, you will work to understand and dig deeper into the topic of phonological awareness. You will learn about the instructional implications of phonological awareness and how to include this instruction in your day to day classroom instruction.

Module 2: Phonics and Word Recognition

Within this Module, you will dig deeper into the topic of decoding and word identification. You will learn more about the instructional implications for Idaho students and apply our learning to design and evaluate instruction aligned to the focus of this Module. 

Module 3: Phonics - All About Syllables: Part 1

This is the first module in a 2-part series, focused on building background that leads to a broader understanding of syllabication and advanced decoding. As students develop in their reading ability, awareness of the parts of words helps them decode multisyllabic words and should be included in classroom instruction.

Module 4: Phonics - All About Syllables: Part 2

This second Module in a two-part series focused on building background that leads to a broader understanding of syllabication and advanced decoding. This Module will focus on morphology, which is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language.

Module 5: Partner Talk

This Module focused on taking a closer look at using the strategy of Partner Talk or Think-Pair-Share as a tool to increase engagement. Through the steps of this Module, you will investigate how you can design intentional instructional opportunities that allow for students to experience increasing oral language skills.

Module 6: Academic Discussion

This Module is focused on the importance of designing opportunities and putting scaffolds in place to ensure Idaho students can successfully engage in rigorous academic discussions with peers.

Module 7: Academic Vocabulary

This Module is focused on academic vocabulary in K-5 classrooms. Students need regular exposure and practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary. This module focuses on identifying academic vocabulary and embedding it into reading instruction.

Module 8: Developing Word Consciousness

This Module is focused on developing word consciousness in students in grades K-5. We know that not all words can be taught directly, so instilling interest in, and knowledge of words all day long will support students. One way to help students develop vocabulary is by fostering word consciousness.

Module 9: Word Analysis

This Module is focused on teaching word analysis to students in grades K-5. Word analysis can help students to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words independently and transfer the strategies to other words.

Module 10: Context Clues

This Module is focused on teaching context clues to students in grades K-5. After this module, students will be able to utilize graphic organizers with students to identify the elements that support the identification of context clues and support students’ use of context clues in reading.

Instructor Information

Cari Murphy, Ph. D., UI Center on Disabilities and Human Development

Phone - (208)-885-6000
Email carilee@uidaho.edu

Shannon Dunstan, co-instructor, Idaho State Department of Education

Phone - (208)-332-6908
Email sdunstan@sde.idaho.gov  

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Articulate the instructional implications of teaching phonological awareness.
  2. Explain how the topic of phonological awareness is a foundation for later reading instruction.
  3. Differentiate between decoding and word identification.
  4. Teach decoding in a systematic way to improve delivery of reading instruction.
  5. Instruct students in utilizing decoding to read multi-syllable words.
  6. Describe all 6 syllable types found in words.
  7. Explain what morphology means in phonics instruction.
  8. Use the partner talk strategy in reading instruction.
  9. Design intentional instructional opportunities for partner talk in the classroom.
  10. Design opportunities for students to successfully engage in academic discussions in the reading classroom.
  11. Scaffold instruction in academic discussion so that all students can participate in the classroom.
  12. Imbed academic vocabulary instruction into reading lessons.
  13. Identify academic vocabulary words within student text materials.
  14. Foster word consciousness for students.
  15. Identify words that can’t be directly taught to students through vocabulary instruction.
  16. Teach independent word learning strategies to students.
  17. Explain the difference between word consciousness and word analysis.
  18. Utilize graphic organizers with students to support their use of context clues in reading.
  19. Identify the elements that support the identification of context clues.

Required Materials

There are no outside readings or materials required for this course. Handouts for each session are located within the learning modules. 

Course Requirements

  1. Participation: Participants are required to log into the course and proceed stepwise through the material to complete all four modules.
  2. Quizzes (10 points/quiz): Participants are required to successfully complete a quiz for each module.
  3. Surveys: Participants are required to complete a satisfaction survey at the end of the course and after each module.
  4. Final assignment (100 points): This course requires that you submit a culminating final assignment from your work in each module. In step 4 of each module you will create 3 presentation slides (e.g. Powerpoint) to summarize the content presented. 
    • 3 slides will be added for each module completed for a total of 30 slides.
    • The information on each slide should summarize learning from the module.
    • The final slide deck should include text and graphics.
    • Information presented on the slides should have proper citation.
    • No more than 10% of the slides may have direct quotes from the module content.


This is a Pass/Fail course. No Incompletes will be given. Late work will not be accepted.

  1. Participants must earn an 80% or better on all quizzes to pass the course. Quizzes can be retaken until passed.
  2. Participants must earn an 80% or better on the final assignment to pass the course.
  3. Participants must complete all satisfaction surveys to pass the course. 
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Essential Components for Reading Instruction – Part 1
Online, fixed date
Sep 01, 2024 to Dec 01, 2024
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Educator PD credit (1 units) $60.00
Free - Audit non-credit $0.00
Available for Credit
1 units
Drop Request Deadline
14 days after enrollment
  • Shannon Dunstan
  • Cari Murphy
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